
Legal Counsel's Law Office

Bartłomiej Latos


  • "Maintaining of public administration buildings in proper technical and usable condition", (Polish language version) Wydawnictwo Presscom (Presscom Publishing House) 2013

  • "Derogation and limitation clauses in the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms", Wydawnictwo Sejmowe (Parliament Publishing House) 2008

  • "Employment of the foreigners in Poland with particular allowance for the citizens of the European Union" [Polish language version], Vademecum Dobrego Zatrudnienia, Gazeta Prawna (Law Journal) of 9th November, 2006, no. 218 (1836)

  • "The Principle of Non – discrimination and Equality in the European Convention of Human Rights", [Polish language version], Przegląd Prawa i Administracji (Law and Administration Review) LXVIII, Wroclaw 2005

  • "The Protection of Human Rights in the Constitution for Europe - an Objective or a Tool in the Action of the European Union" [Polish language version] in: Konstytucja dla Europy. Przyszły fundament Unii Europejskiej, red. Sławomir Dudzik, Zakamycze 2005

  • "The Protection of Human Rights in the Constitution for Europe - an Objective or a Tool in the Action of the European Union”, Eastern European Human Rights Law Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January 2005)

  • "The Right to Life as a Good Protected by the European Convention", [Polish language version] Acta Universitas Wratislaviensis No 2595, Przegląd Prawa i Administracji LVII, Wrocław 2003

  • "Habeas Corpus Guarantee in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms",[Polish language version] Acta Universitas Wratislaviensis No 2329, Przegląd Prawa i Administracji XLVIII, Wrocław 2001